The University of Wisconsin Press
Film and Theatre
The Sea Hawk
Edited by Rudy Behlmer
Wisconsin/Warner Bros. screenplay series
Tino Balio, Series Editor
This 1940 swashbuckler is one of the best examples of the old Hollywood studio system at work. Scholars and film buffs will learn much about collaborative filmmaking on an exceptionally large scale as Rudy Behlmer traces step-by-step the evolution of The Sea Hawk. The very antithesis of an auteur film, The Sea Hawk illustrates the ways in which creative input from just about everyone on the Warner Brothers lotproducers, writers, art directors, director, cameraman, special effects team, editor and composer-conductorresulted in a film in the familiar Warners house style.This book includes the complete screenplay.
Rudy Behlmer, film producer, writer, and lecturer, is the author, co-author, or editor of numerous articles and several books about film. Tino Balio, professor in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of WisconsinMadison, is the author of United Artists: The Company Built by the Stars, United Artists: The Company That Changed the Film Industry, and the editor of The American Film Industryas well as the 22 volume Wisconsin/Warner Bros. Screenplay series, all published by the University of Wisconsin Press. He directed the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theatre Research from 1966 to 1882.
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December 2005
LC: 81-070418 PN
244 pp. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 26 illus.
Paper $24.95 x
ISBN 978-0-299-09014-2ADD TO CART
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