The University of Wisconsin Press
Popular Culture
Love's $weet Return
The Harlequin Story
Margaret Ann JensenPopular Press
Over one hundred twenty formula romance novels are churned out every month. These romantic fantasies for women are big business and earn huge profits for the companies that publish them.
Love's $weet Return examines the phenomenon of romance fiction, focusing specifically on one of the most successful book publishers in the world, the Canadian-based Harlequin Enterprises. Margaret Jensen details the rise of the company, examines the Harlequin formula, and evaluates the growth and impact of both Harlequin and its competition. She also assesses recent shifts in the content of Harlequins, particularly as they pertain to women's changing roles in society.
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Published in 1984
LC: 84-072407 Z
188 pp. 6 x 9
Cloth $20.95 t
ISBN 978-0-87972-318-7ADD TO CART
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